
Conference papers

  1. FedBR: Improving Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Data via Local Learning Bias Reduction. Yongxin Guo, Xiaoying Tang, and Tao Lin. In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2023. [paper][code].
  2. DELTA: Diverse Client Sampling for Fasting Federated Learning. Lin Wang, YongXin Guo, Tao Lin, and Xiaoying Tang. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2023. [paper].
  3. PITPS: Balancing Local and Global Profits for Multiple Charging Stations Management. Jie Liu, Yongxin Guo, Xiaoying Tang. IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm 2023);
  4. FedRC: Tackling Diverse Distribution Shifts Challenge in Federated Learning by Robust Clustering. Yongxin Guo, Xiaoying Tang, and Tao Lin. In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2024.

Preprint & Under review papers

  1. Towards Federated Learning on Time-Evolving Heterogeneous Data. Yongxin Guo, Tao Lin, Xiaoying Tang. preprint (arXiv:2112.13246), appeared in FL-ICML workshop 2021.
  2. Find Your Optimal Assignments On-the-fly: A Holistic Framework for Clustered Federated Learning. Yongxin Guo, Xiaoying Tang, and Tao Lin. preprint (arXiv:2310.05397) 2023.